Sunday, September 6, 2009


In His Holy Name

Salamon Alaikom to All:

After attending the youth session last night, some thoughts have come to my mind and I would like to share with you several quesions that have been in my mind for some time now:

General Questions:
1. what is my long-term spiritual goal?
2. what am I doing to acheive that goal?

Specific Question:
1. what did I gain from last night's gathering?

I am sure we all have physical, financial, educational, career, etc... goals in our life and we strive to achieve them. All of us know that if one wants to gradaute from college he has to work for it.

I am sure most of us want to be spiritual people like late Ayatollah Behjat. We admire such people. But the question is how many of us are willing to act to become like him.

I think the problem is that most of us have no solid goals and visions when it comes to our spirituality, while it is the only thing that is going to matter at the end of the day.

Brothers: Years will pass by and you are going to be 30 and you are going to realize that you have not move even one step forward to achieve Allah's nearness in the past 10 years or even you have moved back several hundred steps. This is where I am now and I am warning you so that you wont be in the same place I am now.

I remember the days I was at IEC when I was your age. and now when I look back, I see that I have lost a decade of my life. I have lost my twenties, the decade that a person has enourmous power, energy and motivation and can achieve anything he wants to achieve. Now that I have lost this great asset and window of opportunity, I am desperately looking and trying, but the returns are very small while at the same time the level of energy and motivation has gone down. WATCH YOUR 20s. As Imam Ali says: Act while you can, as today is the day of action and tomorrow is the day of accounting.

at the end: Do I have a goal in life? becaue if I dont, Shaytan has several billion goals for me and he will present them to me one by one, until I accept one.


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